2017년 6월 21일 수요일

Argon 31

Argon 31

With argon 31 (Argon-31, 31Ar), it is isotopic one of argon.

Argon 31
Name, sign Argon 31,31Ar
Neutron 13
Proton 18
Nuclide information
Nature abundance 0
Half-life 0.0144+-0.0006 second
Pro-nuclide 31K (p)
Collapse product 31Cl
I.w. 31.01212(22) u
Spin angular momentum 5/2+
Surplus energy 11290± 210 keV
Binding energy 7.253 keV
β+ 1.7338 MeV

Table of contents


31Ar is an isotope of argon which is the second lightest while I am known, and a neutron is the proton surplus nucleus that there are 18 protons for 13 [1]. Therefore various collapse modes mentioning later exist, but all of them are accompanied by a positron emission [2].

31Ar has 32K which is an isotope of lightest potassium in a pro-nuclide. 32K becomes 31Ar by proton release [1]; [2].

Collapse mode

Six kinds of collapse modes exist, and 31Ar relatively produces those all with high probability. Most one occurs with the probability of 63% with a positron emission and one mode which proton release occurs at the same time, and collapses in 30S. Much one occurs with the probability of 28% with a mode collapsing by a simple positron emission in 31Cl next. Only this collapse mode understands the only collapse energy and becomes clear with 1.7338MeV [2].

In addition, 0.38% are a positron emission and proton release and alpha decay, and, in 7.2%, in 1.4%, 0.03% collapse by a positron emission and alpha decay by a positron emission and three proton release by a positron emission and two proton release each in 27P in 26Si in 28Si in 29P. Because these decay series is divergence in the decay series of the thing that a part diverges, the end-product is limited to 31P, 30Si, 29Si, 28Si, 27Al, six kinds of 26Mg [2].








Allied item

Light weight:
Argon 31
It is an isotope of argon
32K (p)
collapse product
Argon 31
decay series
31Cl (β+)
30S (β+,p)
29P (β+,2p)
Si28 (β+,3p)
31P (β+,α)
26Si (β+,p,α)

I pass and collapse

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Argon 31

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