2017년 6월 14일 수요일

Stanislav ウラジミロヴィチ

Stanislav ウラジミロヴィチ

Stanislav ウラジミロヴィチ (whether -1015 year for RussianтаниславВладимирович, 984 through 987 [1]) is a child of the Vladimir first. The Lord of Smolensk: It is about 988 -1015 year [1].

When the Vladimir first was baptized, it is the only description that the name is mentioned for the last but two in the list of 12 children who got baptism together [2] and is supposed from here when he is Sueko of the Vladimir first. ([3] that there is the indication that it might be incorporated 12 in intentionally to let you look good that Stanislav was considered to be a Saint number about 12 children being enumerated.) In addition, a person with the name called Stanislav is only him in Ryurik dynasty.

Probably Stanislav was born from 984 through 987. According to "Nikon chronicle" (en) of coming ages, I received Smolensk in about 988. And it is thought that I died prior to father before 1015.


  1. ^ a b ВойтовичЛ. КняжескиединастииВосточнойЕвропы(конецIX — началоXVIв.).
  2. 134 pages of ^ country book Tetsuo "Russia genesis chronicles"
  3. 404 pages of ^ country book Tetsuo "Russia genesis chronicles"


  • ПСРЛ,т. 2. Ипатьевскаялетопись. Фототип. изд. 1908г. — М., 1962. — XVI 938стб. 87с. IVc.
  • ПСРЛ,т. 9. Патриаршая,илиНиконовскаялетопись. Ч. 1. — СПб., 1862. — 256с.
  • КарповА. Ю. ВладимирСвятой. — М.: Молодаягвардия — ЖЗЛ; Русскоеслово, 1997.
  • Country book Tetsuo other reason "Russia genesis chronicle" Nagoya University publication society, 1987.

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Stanislav ウラジミロヴィチ

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