2017년 6월 7일 수요일

Sato Miyuki

Sato Miyuki

Sato Miyuki (sugar Miyuki, July 5, 1984 -) is a Japanese actress.

Sugar Miyuki
Sato Miyuki
The date of birth (1984-07-05) 1984July 5(32 years old)
Birthplace Japanese flag Japan FukushimaTamura-shi
Height 160 cm
Blood type Type B
Occupation Actress
Genre TV dramaMovieCM
Office フォセット concierge
Official site Introduction page in フォセット concierges

FukushimaTamura-shiA native place. The position office is フォセット concierge.

Table of contents


FukushimaTamura-shiA native place. Tateda-mura, Fukushima Senior High SchoolAizu University junior college partA food nourishment subject is a graduate. The part-time job of high school days is a house of the milk. I turn into an actress through a dietician in 2009 and am active mainly on the stage.

Appearance work


  • Asagaya spiders PRESENTS "stands in the wasteland" (Tokyo theater tram, Osaka ABC hall, Fukuoka イムズホール)
  • Night (in 2016, I perform TOHOKU Roots Project Koike Takemi direction Tokyo publicly: あうるすぽっと, Tohoku tour: Iwaki, Minamisoma, Sendai, Higashi-Matsushima, Morioka) of 想稿, the Milky Way railroad

TV drama




  1. ^ "news of Manager Takashi Shimizu movie!" "rabbit horror 3D." Of Sato Miyuki if hide it, is a flower. Excitement Co., Ltd. (July 29, 2011). February 25, 2017 reading.
  2. "The first leading role asks actress of the movie "pure white love", Sato Miyuki" ^ for "11 days such as the reward". Sankei news (Sankei digital). (February 25, 2017). http://www.sankei.com/entertainments/news/170225/ent1702250003-n1.html February 25, 2017 reading. 

Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Sato Miyuki

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