2017년 6월 13일 화요일

Katsumasa Ota

Katsumasa Ota

A former professional baseball player (pitcher) that Katsumasa Ota (おおたかつまさ, March 26, 1971 -) is from Aichi.

Katsumasa Ota
Basic information
Nationality Japanese flag Japan
Hometown Aichi
The date of birth (1971-03-26) 1971March 26(46 years old)
The weight
70 kg
Player information
Throw, turn at bat 右投右打
Position Pitcher
Entering professional The 1988 draft sixth place
Career (the team being on the register roll year professional in the parenthesis)

Table of contents

Origin, person

There was not Koshien participation experience for the Mikawa Senior High School era. Masahiko Harada joining it later on the middle day is a classmate. I receive nomination with the sixth place and join Daiei in a draft meeting of 1988.

I played baseball in 1A, Salinas Spurs in 1991 and studied abroad.

I threw 58 games to the characteristic as a pitcher to play from the forerunner to a weight skillfully in the farm team and left 11 wins eight defeats 3 save, 75 striking out, results of pitcher's earned run average 2.59 for 153 times in a throw time, but retired myself from the outstanding control in 1995 without never throwing it in a troop in a professional career for 7 years.

Support the golden age of Hawks from a shade as a blow pitcher for 11 years and act as the coach of the Hawks Jr. academy after dismissal from an organization afterwards in 2006 [1].

Detailed information

Pitcher results according to the year

  • There is no troop pennant race participation

Uniform number

  • 63 (1989)
  • 98 (from 1990 to 1991)
  • 51 (from 1992 to 1995)
  • 108 (from 1996 to 2006)


  1. ^ " NPO corporation Hawks Jr. academy > Katsumasa Ota". HAWKS JUNIOR ACADEMY. August 29, 2012 reading.

Allied item

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Katsumasa Ota

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