2017년 6월 15일 목요일

Haruyuki Takahashi

Haruyuki Takahashi

Haruyuki Takahashi (たかはしはるゆき, 1944 (1944) April 6 -) is a Japanese businessman. An advisor at Dentsu [1]. Director of Tokyo Olympics Paralympics Organizing Committee [2]. Chairperson Representative Director Commons Co., Ltd. [3].

Keio school organized by contributions Senior High SchoolKeio UniversityLaw department graduation.

An older brother of commander-in-chief Electoronic & Industrial Enterprises group Harunori Takahashi.

Table of contents

Brief career history

Family, relative

The Takahashis

- death (1916) live 1916 in June
It occurs (1919) in August in 1919 [5] - I die in October (2009) in 2009 [7]
It occurs (1945) in October in 1945 [5] - I die in July (2005) in 2005
The July 18, 2005 death [8]. The cause of death subarachnoid hemorrhage [8]. It was 59 years old [8]. By the disorder financing case of two credit unions of former Tokyo Kyowa, the security, I was charged with a crime of the breach of trust [8].



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