2017년 6월 13일 화요일

AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. father of the Imperial adviser shopping center

AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. father of the Imperial adviser shopping center

It is a shopping center that Maxvalu Chubu [1] in Taikou, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi manages the AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. father of the Imperial adviser shopping center (AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. たいこう shopping center) and runs.

AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. father of the Imperial adviser shopping center
AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. father of the Imperial adviser SC whole view January 6, 2008 photography
AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. father of the Imperial adviser SC whole view
January 6, 2008 photography
Store summary
The location 1-19-42, Taikou, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Coordinate 35°9'N 56.6 seconds 136°52'E 53.4 seconds / 35.165722 degrees N 136.881500 degrees E / 35.165722, a 136.881500 coordinate: 35°9'N 56.6 seconds 136°52'E 53.4 seconds / 35.165722 degrees N 136.881500 degrees E / 35.165722, 136.881500
Opening of business day 2007September 24
Facilities owner JR TOKAI REAL ESTATE Co., Ltd.
Facilities manager AEON RETAIL Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

Maxvalu Chubu Co., Ltd.

Plottage 18,897 m²
Commercial facilities area 6,161 m²
Deferred floor space 7,939 m²
Core store MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop
The number of the stores 4 (including MaxValu)
Business hours MaxValu/0:00 - 24:00
Specialty store /10:00 - 22:00
HAC/9:00 - 22:00

Parking number 250
Forerunner Nagoya Railroad Hospital

Central Japan Railway general hospital

MaxValu Chubu

Table of contents


MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop
(I photograph it after the annex dismantling on August 31 for .2015 years)

It is the commercial facility where Maxvalu Chubu built in the old Central Japan Railway General Hospital ruins which JR TOKAI REAL ESTATE owns makes management, administration.

The building summary is an L-shape one-story house, and there is a body laboratory of the AEON RETAIL Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. direct management in the MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop of the nuclear store, the north side of the MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop on the site northeast side. There were a store of IFQ of AEON RETAIL Co., Ltd., a specialty store town once.

Nagoya central Hospital is in the store west.

Because most of the parking lots hang in the planned site of the opening to traffic planned city planning road "Tsubaki-cho Line" (the end of March, 2017) in 2016, there is the viewpoint that I withdraw in several years. In addition, the bedroom suburb chief of the bureau replies it in a municipal assembly of June, 2007 of Nagoya-shi saying "construction is pushed forward after most of the parking lots recognized that it is the planned site of the city planning road beforehand, and the ion does not produce the business compensation issue". In addition, 349 opinion books for the notice of the Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law in front of the branch were submitted [2].

It was reopened on May 29, 2010. I closed a shop with a renewal once at 20:00 on May 27 and I was closed temporarily on 28th, the following day and constructed it. In addition, in this store, the transfer measures to AEON RETAIL Co., Ltd. carried out on November 21, 2011 and AEONTOWN Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. of NSC of the AEON BIG CO.,LTD administration were let go by. An installer by the now large-scale retail store method Maxvalu Chubu がとなっている [3]. The building where the specialty store was in in 2013 was dismantled, and most of the specialty stores withdrew.

"A MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop" enters it as a nuclear store, and plural specialty stores enter it. ※The details of the tenant refer to outside link "MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop".



  1. At the time of the ^ establishment, AEON RETAIL Co., Ltd. SC business headquarters NSC Division Co., Ltd. and the MaxValu business headquarters performed management, administration.
  2. ^ Nagoya-shi: 18-23 (new establishment): Summary of the opinion book for the notice of the MaxValu father of the Imperial adviser shop Large-Scale Retail Stores Location Law
  3. Summary of the retail store location law method Article 6 Clause 2 (change) report large-scale in ^ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2013

Outside link

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