2017년 5월 23일 화요일



The times The early period of - Kamakura era terminal in the Heian era
The birth Unknown
Death The Kenpo first year (1213) [1]
Another name Saburo Shiotani
Office and rank 従五位下三河守
Family Shiotani
Parents Father: 塩谷惟広 
Brothers 惟守, Yori Yokota business room, certain (the second son) Koreyoshi

塩谷惟守 (しおのやこれもり) is a military commander of country Shioya-gun going out of power of the Kamakura early days.


I consider Shiotani and am born as wide の 嫡男. Shiotani who is the head family is succeeded to in morning of Fujiwara line by the work, and I consider the blood relationship of source family name Shiotani, and it has been protected by wide やその 子惟守, but I do a group to Yoshimori Wada in Wada battle of (1213) in the Kenpo first year and do 討死 [2]. After this fight, the power of source family name Shiotani loses a position in Kamakura and declines rapidly.


  1. The Agatsuma mirror assumes it May 2 while the Kitsuregawa Shioya genealogy assumes it June 5 about the ^ anniversary of the death.
  2. I stop by to ^ Agatsuma mirror. But, in "塩谷三郎惟守 coming up to Agatsuma mirror," there are 塩谷三郎維盛 of Kodama party Shiotani of the Musashi country and the opinion to do.

Reference materials

  • "Kitsuregawa history book about the town"

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia 塩谷惟守

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