2018년 1월 25일 목요일

Kota Station

Kota Station

Kuda station(Chika-eki) is in the capital, (JR West).

Kota Station - -


Hey boy Chikata

◄ (1.4 km)

(1.0 km) ►

Location | Railway-machi Koji Chikada 547-7

| (JR West) Affiliation Line | Z Kilometer distance | 16.0 km (starting point) | Chika Station structure | | 1 face 1 wire Passenger - Statistics Year - | 205 people / day (excluding getting-on customers) - 2015 - Date of opening date | (3 years) Remarks (with automatic ticket vending machine)

table of contents


  • (3 years) - Established at the opening of the two-wheeled light railway which is the predecessor of Fukushima Line.
  • (Taisho 15 years) - Both amid light railway is renamed as railroad railroad.
  • (8 years)
  • \ - Both railway facilities Both Fukuyama - Fuchu - cho are nationalized, and become the station of the National Railway Fukushima Line.
  • \ - Following the opening of Fukushima Kita Line, the old Fukushinka line was renamed Fukushinami Line, and this station also belongs to it.
  • (Showa 13) - Fukuyama - Futoshi Minami line becomes part of current Fukuoka line by Fukuyama - Shiomachi interchange, and this station belongs to that station.
  • (Showa 27) - Cargo handling abolished.
  • (Showa 45) - Unmanned station (train station).
  • (Showa 62) - Become a station of West Japan Railway by privatization of the National Railway.

Station structure

Having one line on the left side facing the Fuchu area () (). There is no station building so it is in a shape to enter the home directly. Because of the stick train station, both the Fukuyama direction and the Fuchu direction will share the same home.

There is in the waiting place on the home (Although it was updated to the new model at the same time as introduction to the Okayama district, the ICOCA loading holder is omitted because it is outside the ICOCA area).

Usage situation

The average number of passengers per day is as follows.

Year | Daily average Passenger — | — (Heisei 13) | 271 (Heisei 14 years) | 258 (Heisei er 2003) | 254 (Heisei era 2004) | 233 (Heisei era 2005) | 222 (Heisei era 2006) | 200 (Heisei era 2007) | 191 (Heisei era 2008) | 181 (Heisei er 2009) | 197 (Heisei 22) | 186 (Heisei era 2011) | 194 (Heisei 24) | 189 (Heisei era 2013) | 205 (Heisei era 206) | 211 (Heisei 20th) | 205

Around the station

    • Station Mall Store
  • Home Center · U-Ho Station Station Store
  • Fashion Center Station Store

Next station

West Japan Railway

Z Fukushiro Line

\ -Koda station\ -


[] - -

1. ****(National Diet Library Digital Collection)

Related item

  • *

External link


Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-01-25 14:30

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