2018년 3월 3일 토요일

Shibata Yasuko

Shibata Yasuko

Shibata Yasuko(Shibata Takako, -) is Japanese. Maiden's best. Daughter of.

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Born in.

After coming to Tokyo, I entered the university and studied under study from my school. Married.

Established the New Association of Artists. However, that same year, I found anomalies and performed surgery.

The disease condition worsened. At that time, because the ideal for painting was high, I incinerated most of my own work. In the following year the disease is death, age 39.


Miraiha (1936)

Shibata Haya, he studied paintings of various genres such as modernity and incorporated it into his work. For example, "Miraihado" (depicting women) is drawn by "novel composition based on calculated lines and colors" that was innovative as then. Also, Hideo Oguma is interested in "Mr. Shiyuji" exhibited at the New Japan Painting Study Group Exhibition "I am curious about the way the glows fall." "Apart from the painting failures, the author's thought life comes out It is a depression to see who is watching. "

the work

A harp Clothing Magazine Return - Exhibit at the New Japan Painting Study Group Exhibition. Miraiha (1936) - means "girls". Blue Dragon Company Exhibition Selected Works.


1. ^ 'The whole picture of a Japanese art female painter. - Athletes of the beautiful spot "(,) p.114 2. ****"Nippon Art Gallery of Innovation", "New Edition · Hideo Oguma Vol. 5 Volume", Creative Company, 1991.

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Post Date : 2018-03-03 15:00

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