2018년 3월 4일 일요일

Sakuraoka Station

Sakuraoka Station

Sakuraoka Station(Sakuraoka Eki) is located in Higashi Asahikawa Town, Sakuraoka (JR Hokkaido). IsA34.

Sakuraoka Station - -

Sakuraoka Station Building (July 2004)

Sakura Oka Sakuraoka

◄A33 (2.9 km)

(3.7km) A35 ►

Location | Higashi Asahikawa Town Okaoka

|○ A34 | (JR Hokkaido) Belonging line | Kilometer distance | 10.2 km (origin) | Sao ← Saw Station structure | | Two-sided two-wire Date of opening date | (11 years) Remarks | Unmanned Station

Sakuraoka station in 1977 and surrounding area 500 m. The upper right is for Kamikawa. The surroundings are in the countryside, most of the others have remained unchanged except that the river refurbished cow Xu Riku River in the upper right. The station building is old wooden thing, there is no overpass bridge yet. The cargo handling was stopped as early as 1962, the former cargo home next to the station building was covered with trees, and the lead-in line was also removed, but the trace can still be confirmed. Created based on

table of contents


  • (Taisho 11 years): Established along the opening of business between Shin Asahikawa station and Ainu branch station. .
  • (Showa 2 years): The name of the route to which it belongs has been renamed Ishinboku Line.
  • (Showa 7): Shin Asahikawa station - Nogei cattle station renamed as Ishikoku Line and Line name.
  • (Showa 24): It is transferred to.
  • (Showa 36): The line to which we belong is renamed to Ishin Kita Main Line.
  • (Showa 37): Abolition of cargo handling.
  • (Showa 58): Treatment abolished. Simple outsourcing.
  • (Showa 62): It succeeds to JR Hokkaido by.
  • (Heisei 1996): Simple consignment end.

Station structure

  • It has 2 sides 2 lines. . *. No installation.

Usage situation

Passengers on 2012 - 2016 (Heisei 24-28) (average days on a specific weekday) average is 11.0 people.

Around the station

There is a settlement in Sakuraoka.

  • 10 minutes on foot *

Next station

Hokkaido Customer Railway (JR Hokkaido)

Ishin Kita Main Line

Special rapid "Kitami"

passage Usually

(A32) - (※) (A33) -Sakuraoka station (A34)\ - (A35) (※) Some trains pass through Kita-sunohno station.


[] - -

1. ^ (supervision) "All railroad railroad journey through weekly history" No. 28 - Kushiomi main line / Ishinbun Main Line, Asahi Shimbun publishing separate volume editing department (editing), , January 31, 2010 Sun, page 22-23. 2. Archive as of December 9, 2017 of****, (Japanese) (PDF), __ (Hokkaido Railway Company), (December 8, 2017), , Viewed on December 10, 2017.

Related item


External link


Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-03-04 05:00

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