2018년 1월 29일 월요일

Battleground (Washington State)

Battleground (Washington State)

Battleground(Battle Ground) It is a city of. According to statistics of July 1 by Washington State Treasury Bureau, the population is estimated at 16,812 people. It is a city whose population has increased between 2000 and 2005, the fourth largest in 279.

Battleground - - -****-

Coordinate: | | | Area \ - Total | 3.6 mi 2 (9.4 km 2) \ - Land | 3.6 mi 2 (9.4 km 2) \ - Water surface | 0.0 mi 2 (0.0 km 2) Altitude| 295 ft (90 m) Population(July 1, 2008) \ - Total | 16,812 people | () \ - | PDT () | 98604 | | 53-04475 feature ID | 1530801

table of contents

Geography / Climate

It is located at 45 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds north latitude, 112 degrees 32 minutes 22 seconds west longitude (45.780595, -122.539408).

According to the report, the total area is 9.4 (3.6). All of this is land.

  • Mountain:
  • River:
  • Others:


Year | Population | |% ± *| 888 | - - | 1,438 | | 61.9% *| 2,774 | | 92.9% | 3,758 | | 35.5% *| 9,322 | | 148.1% *2008 (estimate)| 16, 812 |

The population is 9,296 people, 3,071 households, 2,346 families live. Is 986.0 / km 2 (2,552.6 / mi 2). 339.0 / km 2 (877.6 / mi 2) The average density of 3,196 houses is built. The racial makeup of the city is 93.81%, African American American 0.49%, Native American 0.86%, Asia 0.72%, Pacific Islander group 0.11%, other race 1.72%, mixed race 2.28%. 4.14% of this population are Hispanic or Latino of any race. 15.4% German, 11.5% American, 9.4% England, 7.2% Irish, 6.1% Finland and 5.8% Norwegian. English is 94.0%, Spanish is 3.9%, Russian is 1.6%.

Among all households, 50.4% households living with children under 18 years old, 58.9% households with couple only, 12.0% households of unmarried women, 23.6% do not have families. Household head of individual name is 18.2%, among which those of 65 and older are 7.7%. The average number of people per household is 2.99 people, and the average number of people per family is 3.43 people.

36.2% for juveniles younger than 18 years, 10.0% for young people aged 18 to 24, 32.9% for younger than 25 to 44 years old, 13.5% for younger than 45 years old and older and 13.5% for younger than 64 years old, 7.3% for older people 65 years old and older I am 27 years old. For 100 females men are 95.8 people. For 100 females age 18 and over, there are 90.5 males.

The average income for each household in this city is $ 45,070 and the average income for each family is $ 49,876. Men are 41, 133 For the US dollar, women have an average income of US $ 25,215. The per capita income of this city () is 17,139 It is US dollar. 7.3% of the population and 9.3% of families are: 11.1% of the population under the age of 18 and 8.4% of those over the age of 65 are living below the poverty line.


Ironically, the unique name "battle ground" (literally "battle ground") is derived from not participating in the battle.

In 1855, the soldiers in the neighborhood () were in war when living in Yakima (()). The nervous settlers organized volunteer groups to protect the base that was short of manpower. Volunteers who were afraid of friendly () living in the watershed to participate in the uprising ordered to move to a garrison near Vancouver Station.

Captain William Strong Captain William Strong when some of the Cricketat tribes ran away, Led the people of the volunteer and went to persuade that the Cliqkitat tribe returned to the garrison. In the vicinity of the present battle ground, Captain Strongnard caught up with Cricketato tribe and discussed not to restrain by battle but to peacefully return to base under agreement. Somehow this time, the Uktuch chief of the Cricketato tribe (Chief Umtuch) Was killed. There is a theory that the cause of death is unknown, the theory that it was killed by a soldier, and the theory that it died by the erroneous firing of a family. In any case, the Crickytot promised to return to the base after a ceremony of burial for a few days.

Migrants wanted a battle, and when Captain Strong returned by hand, the migrants accused Captain Strong as a coward. As promised, the Cricketytas came back to the base, but the accusations to Capt. Strong never ceased, and women at the base honored his achievements and of various colors (Women's clothing) I gave him a ridiculous gift. Later, the land I met with this cricketato tribe became known as "the battlefield of Captain Strong" and eventually became the "place of battle" (Battle Ground) was abbreviated.

On June 18, officially became a corporation, the municipal system was enforced.


There is a battleground school district (), and schools are concentrated.


  • Railway: *:: () To Vancouver Mall ()
  • Bus: Bound for
    • highway:
  • *


: Actress, singer. Appears in the drama. I live in Battle Ground. Michael Galeotti: The drama of. I live in Battle Ground. : Former player. I live in Battle Ground. : Awarded as a member of Train.


1. ^,, viewed on January 31, 2008. 2. *,, (2007-10-25), viewed on January 31, 2008. 3. *,, (2011-02-12), browsing on April 23, 2011.

External link

    • at
      • Battle Ground's weekly newspaper

Acquired from ""

  • [% ±]: Variation rate

Post Date : 2018-01-29 09:00

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