2018년 1월 27일 토요일

Andrea Fortunart

Andrea Fortunart

Andrea Fortunato(Andrea Fortunato, -) is a former national football player who was born. Position is (side back).

| | Andrea Fortunato |! [Football pictogram.svg] (/ / upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cfcoot/Football_pictogram.svg / 30px - Football_pictogram.svg.png) — | — | — name Katakana | Andrea Fortunart Latin letters | Andrea Fortunato Basic information Nationality | Birth date | (1971-07-26) Hometown | Dead year month | (1995-04-25) (23 years old death) Height | 178 cm Player information Position | Representative history 1993 | | 1 | (0) ()

A left side attacker who appeared like a comet in the 1990's and passed away at the young age of 23 due to acute lymphatic nature while being commissioned for the future.

Affiliation Club history

  • 1988-1991
  • 1991-1992
  • 1992-1993
  • 1993-1995

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Post Date : 2018-01-27 15:00

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Andrea Fortunart

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