2018년 2월 13일 화요일

Yixh Line

Yixh Line

Yoshihiro Line(Ginban,:Yixi Juan Road, English notation:Yichang - Wanzhou Railway) is connecting with.

Yixh Line
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Basic information
Starting point |
End point |
Number of stations | 24
Opening | July 1, 2012
Route dimensions
Route distance | 377 km
| 1,435 mm
Number of tracks | (Yichang East Station -)
(Foothills Station - Manshou Station)
| AC 25 kV · 50 Hz
| 160 km / h (Yichang East Station -)
120 km / h (Icheon Station - Manshou Station)
Yixh Line
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Various notation
| Yoshinobu Rikyu
: Yixi Jun Road
Yiwan Railway


The total length of the route is 376.99 km, - is one of the routes making up the interior, the design maximum speed is 175 km / h, and the maximum operating speed is 160 km / h. Meanwhile, Kurozu Station - It is a single track, and the maximum speed is 120 km / h. Is operated only between Yichang East Station and Ryo Mist Station.

The plan started at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and the construction was actually started. However, there were political turmoil, and thereafter repeated interruption and construction several times afterwards. Ultimately, it was started in December after 100 years, and opened the whole line to.

Station list

Cumulative Kilometer | connection route | location — | — | — | — | — | | | Yichang East Logistics | Yichang East | ■ ■ | | Yichang South Station | Yichang South | | Vehicle logistics | Chexi | | Changyang | | | | | 榔 峰 stream | Langping | | Tomoe Toji | Badong | | | Takamitsubo Logo | Gaoping | | Drain water channel | Luoshuidong | | Construction start | Jianshi | | | | Baiyangping | | | | | White flow log | Baiguo | | Engei | Enshi | | Qingkou | | | | | Ikawa Station | Lichuan | | Liangwu | | | | Wang Ying Service | Wangying | | Mt. Yamauchi Station | Qiyueshan | | Kokura Tsuyoshi | Guancangping | | | | Luotian Logistics | Luotian | | Valley Ranges | Guyu | | | | Yushishan | | | | Citrus Logistics | Ganziyuan | | Five Bridge Logistics | Wuqiao | | Manchuria Logistics | Wanzhou |


[] - -

1. ****. ShinNami. (December 22, 2010). Viewed November 9, 2016.

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Post Date : 2018-02-13 09:30

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Yixh Line

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