2018년 2월 14일 수요일

Haruo Takagi

Haruo Takagi

Haruo Takagi(Haruka Takagi, -) is, of. (1st term). Former lawmaker (2nd term).


Haruo Takagi

Taka Haruka

  • - Birth date | (1950-07-24) (67 years old) Place of birth | School of origin Affiliation party | Official website |

Number of times of winning | 1 time Tenure on office | October 1, 2017 - Current incumbency


Districts | Yamanashi City constituency Number of times of winning | 2 times Tenure period | April 30, 2011 - August 23, 2017


I am from Yamanashi Prefecture. graduate. He served as president of a gas company.

He ran for the election in 2011 (Heisei 23 year) independent electoral candidate and recommended for the first election. Re-election at the prefectural assembly election in 2015 (Heisei 20).

In 2017 (Heisei 29) August 7, the mayor of Yamanashi was arrested for the mayor of Yamanashi about the city staff recruitment exam conducted last year. On the same year, August 13, Mochizuki resigned. On 23rd August, he expressed his intention to run for the mayoral election in response to the resignation of Mochizuki and resigned from the prefectural assembly the same day. The mayoral election held on October 1 was a fight between Takagi who was nominated by Hiroshi Takagi and Hiroko Okuyama, former president of the LDP who was recommended by the LDP, and Takagi got his first election. The results of the election are as follows.

  • Number of voters on the day: 29,990 final voter turnout rate: 65.00% (previous survey: -1.75 points)
Candidate name Age Affiliation faction New and old Number of votes vote rate Recommendation / support
Haruo Takagi 67 New 10,591 votes 55.1% (Recommendation) ·
Okuyama Hiromasa 57 Independent New 8,629 votes 44.9% (Recommendation)


[] - -


2. ^ 3.

4. *"" Asahi Shimbun (August 7, 2017). Browse August 7, 2017. 5. Archive as of August 13, 2017 of. __ (). (August 13, 2017). Viewing August 13, 2017. 6. *. __. (August 24, 2017). Viewed December 27, 2017. 7. . _ Sankei Shimbun _ (October 1, 2017). Viewed December 27, 2017.

External link

  • *



2017 - |

Next generation:

(Current position) — | — | —

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-14 10:30

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