2018년 2월 25일 일요일

Dedicated to Candy O

Dedicated to Candy O

"Tribute to Candy O O "(Candy-O) is the second album of the rock band of. The design of the jacket is due to it. Hit chart ranked third, ranked third, platinum disk also acquired, such as commercially successful.

"Dedicated to Candy O" - - of Release | June Recording | 1978 | Time | 36 minutes 25 seconds | | Roy Thomas Baker Review by specialized critic

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Chart highest rank

  • 3rd place (USA)
  • 30th place (UK)

Chronology | (1978) |Dedicated to candy · ou (1979) | (1980) — | — | —

In the album in which Cars's masterpiece was demonstrated, there is also an evaluation that it can exceed the debut album.

recorded music

Lyrics / composition by all.

1. Let's Go - _ Let's Go _ (3: 33) 2. Forever lover - Since I Held You _ (3: 16) 3. All I Can Do - _ It's All I Can Do _ (3: 44) 4. Double Life - _ Double Life _ (4: 14) 5. Sho · Be · Do · _Shoo Be Doo _ (1: 36) 6. Dedicated to candy · o - _ Candy-O _ (2:36) 7. Nightspots - _Nightspots (3: 15) 8. Burning Love - _You Can not Hold On Too Long _ (2: 46) 9. Last For Kicks - _ Lust For Kicks _ (3: 52) 10. GOT A LOT ON MY HEAD - _Got A Lot On My Head _ (2: 59) 11. Danger full - _ Dangerous Type _ (4: 28)

Lead vocals

  • Rick Okeysec - 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11
  • Benjamin Allour - 1, 2, 3, 6, 8




3. ****Kamachi Jun "Western music album Senpei" Shogakkan, published on 4th April 2008 (page 133)

This item is related to****. I will do (/). — | —

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Post Date : 2018-02-25 12:00

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Dedicated to Candy O

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