2018년 2월 1일 목요일

Mustchlav Ijaslavich (Duke Novgorod)

Mustchlav Ijaslavich (Duke Novgorod)

Mustchislav Ijeslavich(: Мстислав Изяславич ,? -) is a child of.
1069 years.

table of contents

A lifetime

In 1054, the father Ijaslav, who was a public Novgorod, became the Prince of Kiev, Mustchislav continued to be the Novgorod public.

, The Polozok public raided the territory. In Mr. Cheustova Mstislav broke into the army of Juesu Luff, was occupied, half of the city was destroyed. He returned to take away the bell of Novgorod, and the worship tools etc. Meanwhile Mustchslav drew himself back to his father.

According to some researchers, it is speculated that Jesus Luff attacked Pskov · Novgorod was a retribution to the destruction of the Polishuk Principality by the attack of Vladimir Novgorodo (the later Kiev ·) There. Also, there is a hypothesis that the loot you brought back by Husa Raf is for the St. Sophia Cathedral that was under construction at the time.

Father Ijaslav I was fled from Kiev by the assault led by, but in 1069 he returned to Kiev again with the help of the Polish people. There are descriptions about this incident as follows. In other words, Ijuslaw I sent Muscularaf to Kiev in advance of himself. In Kiev Mustchslav massacred the ringlead's mastermind. Besides, he killed or blinded those whose father caused exile from Kiev. It is.

Also in the same year (1069), the army of Ijaslav I broke Jues Luff and robbed Polosk. Mustchslav occupied the position of public polo.

A wife child

My wife's name is unknown. There was also at least one child (Rostislav: October 1, 1093 died).


1. *Татищев В. Н. М., 1963. - Т. 2. - С. 68. 2. Kunimoto Tetsuo "Russian Primary Chronicle" 196 pages 3. ***Kunimoto Tetsuo "Russian Primary Chronicle" 197


  • Войтович Леонтій .- Львів: Інститут українознавства ім. І.Крип'якевича, 2000.
  • 649 с. 0 1 1 ___ 0
  • Рыжов К.- М .: Вече, 1998.
  • 640 с.
  • Tetsuo Kunimoto et al. "Russian Primary Chronicle", 1987.

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-01 11:00

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