2018년 2월 25일 일요일

Vittorio · Amede II · Di · Savoia = Carignano

Vittorio · Amede II · Di · Savoia = Carignano

Public carignano Vittorio Amede II

Vittorio · Amede II · Di · Savoia = Carignano(Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia- Carignano, - September) is the fifth generation (rank: -).

The son of Christine, the daughter of Duke Carignano and Hessen = Rothenburg. I have served my sister as head of the queen of France.

, Marry Joseph de Lorraine = Rambus / Brionon (Urcus -) at the same time. I got the following children at this marriage.

  • Duke Carignano (-)

Carlo Emanuele succeeded after death.



Duke Carignano

1778 - 1780 |

Next generation:

— | — | —

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-25 19:30

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