2018년 2월 23일 금요일

Umejima (Adachi-ku)

Umejima (Adachi-ku)

Umejima (Adachi-ku)

Umejima(Umeji Island) is the place name of. The current administrative place name is 3 - chome from Umejima 1 - chome. It is a completed area. Is 121-0816.

Umejima - - -****-

Umejima Station

! [Umejima] (//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Red_pog.svg/6px- Red_pog.svg.png)


Location of Umejima Coordinate: | | | Population(as of (Heisei 29)) \ - Total | 11,833 people | () | 121-0816 | 03 |

table of contents


The triangular town surrounded by Umishima is surrounded by the west side penetrating the middle part of Adachi-ku, Tokyo to the north and south. "Umejima" in a broad sense refers to the entire periphery including the name "Umejima 1 to 3 chome" of the nominal place name, equivalent to the former Umejima village. In the former Umejima village, in addition to the current Umejima 1-3 chome, there were all or part of the current,,,,,, as its domain.

Adjacent areas are Shimane and Kurihara in the north, Chuojimamachi in the east, Umeda in the south, Nishiinowaicho in the west.

land price

According to (29 years), the land price of Umejima 1-19-9 is 320,000 yen / m 2.

Origin of place name

Umeda village, Shimane village, Kaemon Nitta, Kurihara village in the merger of towns and villages (22 years) in the merger, Umeida village was born, taking the initials from the central Umeda and Shimane as the foundation ( Twenty years) and (Twenty-two years) of implementation It is derived from Umishima Townbeing established.

Number of households and population

(Heisei 29) The number of households and the population as of now are as follows.

Umeashima 1-chome 1,974 households 3,462 people
Umejima 2-chome 1,782 households 3,327 people
Umejima 3-chome 2,781 households 5,044 people
Total 6,537 households 11,833 people

School districts of elementary and junior high schools

When attending a small elementary / junior high school, the school district becomes as follows. In addition, Adachi Ward has introduced, it is possible to choose from the whole area of ​​the ward. For elementary school, however, only schools adjacent to the school district or school district will be selected from the year 2018 (Heisei 30). .

Street Address Elementary School Junior High School
Umeoshima 1-chome No.
5 to 23
1st to 4th
Number 24 - 30
Umejima 2-chome 2 to 5
After 10
1st Adachi ku 4th junior high school
6th - 9th Yayoi Adachi Ward Elementary School
Umejima 3-chome No.
1 - 3 Adachi-ku Umejima elementary school Adachi ward ninth junior high school
Other Adachi Ward Umejima Daiichi Elementary School Adachi Ward Tenth Junior High School






  • ()
  • (Ring Seven Streets)
  • Old Nikko Highway


  • Umeishima Sumi City Center
          • Adachi Umejima Post Office *

Historical site

  • Kaemon Inari Shrine
  • Fuji Mondial remains
  • Tragedy of Intense Inage Sorghum Settsu Jizo Umejima Tianmangu



  • \ - Umida village, Shimane village, Kaemon Nitta, Kurihara village merged in the merger of towns and villages, and Umejima village is born one by one from Umeda and Shimane.
  • \ - Umejima village will enforce the town system and become Umeashima Town.
  • October 1 - With the establishment, the area of ​​the former Umeishima Town succeeds the old village name, becomes Umeda cho, Shimane cho, Kaemon town, Kurihara Town, and Umejima as administrative place name disappears once.
  • \ - Umejima Town is set up as part of Ueda Town, Senju Sakae, Shimane Town, Senju Yayoi Town.
  • \ - A residence indication is carried out on a part of Umeishima Town, and it becomes a part of Umeda Seven and eight chome.
  • \ - The residence area of ​​Umejima Town and the whole area of ​​Senju Sakae-cho, part of Kagonoseomachi, Shimane Town, Kurihara Town, Umeda Town is implemented and Umeishima 1-3 chome is installed.


1. Adachi-ku (December 4, 2017). Viewed December 7, 2017. 2. ^ "". Reading on 7th December 2017. 3. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, viewed on December 7, 2017. Four.

Adachi - ku (April 15, 2017). Viewed 7th December 2017. Adachi - ku (June 1, 2017). Viewed 7th December 2017. Adachi - ku (May 3, 2017). Viewed 7th December 2017.

Related item

  • \ - It was originally from Shimane, Umeshima Daiichi Elementary School etc. Currently using facilities belonging to the Umeishima area.

External link

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Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-23 22:00

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