2018년 2월 9일 금요일

Six · Flags · Over Texas

Six · Flags · Over Texas

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Six Flags listed at Texas State History Museum

The back of Texas state chapter

Six · Flags · Over Texas(:Six flags over Texas ) Is the slogan used when expressing the six countries that have been sovereign in the current land. Six countries are …, and the present, and during the Civil War. Texas State chapter There are also six flags designed on the back side of ().

This slogan is used for shopping malls and theme parks () and other companies.

table of contents


  • Flag of Territory

  • Flag of Nueva España era

The first flag belonged to Spain's home country of the territory, Spain was governed between 1529 and 1685, and between 1690 and 1810, respectively. There were two Spanish flags used in this era. Both designs come from the emblem of "Castle and Lion" included.


  • Flag of French Texas era

The second flag is the era, from 1685 to 1690. In 1684, the aristocrat built a French colony on the Mexican Gulf of Texas. The colony did not succeed and was abandoned immediately after La Salle was killed. At this time there were no official French flags, so many differently designed flags are used in "Six Flags".


  • Flag of Mexican territory

The third flag is the flag of the era (,), the flag of Mexico raised in Austin Capital is one of the flags of each Mexican government from 1823 to 1864. Mexico from 1821 to 1836, in 1821 (governance period: -) gained sovereignty from Spain, then (,) - (-) and (-) and (- ) Reigned. The flag of the Mexican Temporary Government was used until Texas fulfilled from Mexico in 1836.

Republic of Texas

  • The national flag

The fourth flag is from the period from 1836 to 1845. The Republic has two national flags in its history, the first flag of which is the so-called "Burnet Flag" of the yellow star on the blue ground. The second flag, "Lone Star Flag", is still a flag of the state.

United States of America

Flag of * (1861)

The fifth flag belongs from 1861 to 1865. During this period, the United Nations had three flags (see). For "Six Flags", the first national flag "Stars and Birds" is most commonly used. Because the United States Allies were defeated in, they are arguing whether it makes sense to become a sovereign state entering "Six Flags".

united states of america

  • Flag of the United States (from 1845 to 1861)

The sixth flag is a flag from 1845 to 1861, and from 1865 to the present.

The seventh flag

  • The national flag

The seventh flag also exists. It is a flag that existed along the southern part of Texas. This is not considered as one of the flags of Texas because the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Rio Grande have claimed the same land. However, in this capital city of the Republic of Rio Grande which was a short-lived state, the local newspaper () has seven flags instead of six.


  • 6 kinds of flag

  • 6 national chapters in the state capitol building

  • The Seven flags are listed in the former Parliament House of the Republic of Rio Grande (now the museum)


1. ****"". Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Browsing June 5, 2014.

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External link

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-09 01:00

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