2018년 2월 5일 월요일

Renato Drubecco

Renato Drubecco

Renato Dulbecco(- Renato Dulbecco, -) is a scholar from the country. Acting in the United States, the United Kingdom, etc., English-like It is often called Rinato Dulbecco. I became one of the winners by my research.

Renato Dulbecco Renato Drubecco - -

Renato Drubecco (1966)

Birth | (1914-02-22)

Death sunset | (2012-02-19) (97 years old)

Nationality | Research Area | Research institution |

School of origin Doctoral course Teaching student | Main achievements | Main Awards | (1964) (1975) | Winner - - Award year: Award category: Reason for award:Discovery on interaction between tumor virus and cellular genetic material


birth. Learn medicine at Giuseppe Lévy and go into research life. I met and got here friends. When 1940 broke out, he was convened as a military doctor and dispatched to the front line of France and Russia, injured. After collapse I participated.

We resumed postwar research, but soon he went to the United States with Lewy Montalcine and began studying with Lulia (Bloomington). I joined the group moving to 1949. We began researching animals, especially tumor viruses. In 1952 we introduced an animal virus plaque quantification method using.

In the late 1950s students became. In 1962 he moved to, where he is teaching. In 1972 he moved to the Royal Cancer Institute.

In 1975 he won the Nobel Prize with Temin and Baltimore. In 1986 he joined the launch with other researchers. In 1993 I returned to Italy and served as Director of the CNR Biomedical Research Institute ().

Drubecco's group revealed that when a virus called a tumor virus is normal, a virus-derived gene is taken into the cell, which causes (cellular level canceration). Tumor viruses also cause part of humans. Also, in some tumor viruses (), it was revealed by Temin and Baltimore that the first stage of gene uptake was done (from to). This is why they have won three Nobel Prizes.

Furthermore, similar to the gene of retrovirus is also in normal cells, it was later revealed that this is related to general carcinogenesis. Thus Drubecco's discovery is the basis of all subsequent studies on cancer.

(1980), Leland · Hartwell (2001 Nobel Prize) also stayed in the Dulbecco laboratory for a long time.

On February 19, 2012, he died at his home in the city district. Death of 97.

Award history

  • 1964 - (with Harry Rubin)
  • From 1973 - From (Harry Eagle, with Theodore Pack)
  • 1975 - Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine (with Howard · Temin, David · Baltimore)


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1. *There are 8 Nobel Prize winners in Drubecco, Master Luria, Luria's disciple Watson, Dulbecco's disciple Baltimore, Temin, Berg, Temin, Tone River and teacher relations. 2. "Dulbecco's teacher does not prepare the environment preparation site" My resume Tomegawa Susumu ⑫ Nihon Keizai Shimbun October 12, 2013 3. ***NYtimes Viewing February 21, 2012

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-05 08:30

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