2018년 2월 10일 토요일



Required Musuda(Kenji Den) is a field that you have allocated to various magazines, and devoted to their finances. In the case of the lands for the latter,the theater number Putian It was also called as "kenji".


Among the ("") established in 3 years (), allocate some of the parts that were established in Kinai to Yoshi (5 years old) in two years, and use the harvested rice for the theatrical fee etc . It is said that this was attributed to the fact that it was regarded as a source of finance and duty that did not come into the middle due to the collapse of local finances. Still, and the financial affairs officials tried to maintain payment of annual fees from the government, gradually shifting to the establishment of the theatrical field, each government officer will shift to a system with its own financial resources. Later, Mr. Kaneda began to be called with other owners owned land.


  • Shozaki Hayakawa "Kei Monda" ("Kokubun Daigaku Dictionary 14" (Yoshikawa Honbune Center, 1993))
  • Yuji Momino "Kanzyoda" ("Japanese History Great Dictionary 3" (Shogakkan, 2001))

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Post Date : 2018-02-10 14:30

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