2018년 2월 12일 월요일

It's wild.

It's wild.

"Wild"(Wild) is a work by,. "" Was serialized from the April issue to the May issue.

It's wild. - - Cartoon Author Publisher | Publication magazine | Label | Presentation issue | April issue - May issue Number of turns | All three volumes \ -



hero Leopard

Beautiful wild child

Bibliographic information

"Wild dog" <>, all three volumes

  • 1 volume, published on October 6, 2003,
  • 2 issue, issued February 6, 2004,
  • 3 issue, issued on June 4, 2004,

This item is related to****. Please do (//). Please paste the {{}} if the item is manga artist / original cartoonist. — | —

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-12 03:00

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