2018년 2월 22일 목요일

Cubic meter per second

Cubic meter per second

Cubic meters per second(Rippo meter, symbol: m 3 ⋅ s - 1, m 3 / s), so it is in (SI).

Cubic meter per second - - Symbols | m 3 · s -1, m 3 / s | (SI) Type | Assembly Unit | Definition | Volume flow with one cubic meter of fluid moving per second

1 cubic meter per second is defined as "volumetric flow rate at which 1 moves per 1. When m 3 / s is transformed, m 2 · m / s . That is, 1 cubic meter per second can also be defined as "volumetric flow rate at which fluid moves at a flow velocity of 1".

In English, abbreviate "Cubicmetres per second"cumec (Cue Mec) is also called. In contrast, () is "Cubic feet persec abbreviated "ond" is called "cusec" (cuesec).


1 cubic meter per second = 7001600000000000000 ♠ 60 cubic meter per minute
= 7003360000000000000 ♠ 3600 cubic meter per hour
= 7003100000000000000 ♠ 1000 every second
= 7001600000000000000 ♠ 60 every minute
= 7003360000000000000 ♠ 3600 kiloliters per hour
= 7001864000000000000 ♠ 86.4 Everyday
= 7001315576000000000 ♠ 31.5576 Every year
7002219969248000000 ♠ 219.969248 every second
7002264172051000000 ♠ 264.172051 every second
7001353144540000000 ♠ 35.314454 every second
7000130500000000000 ♠ 1.305 every second
7004255664970000000 ♠ 25566.497 Every year
7009111367662100000 ♠ 1113676621 Every year
6997757090916000000 ♠ 0.00757090916 Every year


1. ****"Units: C", The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, web page:.

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Post Date : 2018-02-22 01:30

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