2018년 2월 5일 월요일

Bucky Jacobsen

Bucky Jacobsen

Bucky Jacobsen(Larry William "Bucky" Jacobsen, -) is from the original ().

Bucky Jacobsen Bucky Jacobsen basic information - - Nationality | Hometown | Birth date | (1975-08-30) (42 years old) Height Body weight 6 '4 "= about 193 cm 255 lb = about 115.7 kg Player information Bowling, batting | right bat Position | Professional entering | MLB draft seventh round First appearance | July 16, 2004 Final appearance | September 5, 2004 Career (in parentheses is professional team enrolled year)

  • Hermiston High School
  • Lewis Clark State University
  • (2004)
  • (2006)

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Contract signed on the seventh round (217th overall). Under the umbrella, although it glows to the homerun king and hit king at class A, he only played at the highest at AAA level, canceled the contract with Brewers on July 15 and contracted on July 24. In the AA grade, he stood home to the home run, but he was never promoted to Major in the Cardinals, and he contracted to be off the same year.

He mass-produced home runs and hit points at AAA grade and made a debut on July 16th. In the debut match's opponents, the starting pitchers shined. Jacobsen who participated in the match as a "5th · designated hitter", the first batted fallen in strikeout, but in the second bat, he chose the fourth ball and in the third bat he recorded the first major hits from Lee. After that, in the 4th bat, we fought to take over and chose the second baseball that was the day. In addition, I played 13 games from 17th July to 31st July of the debut next day, demonstrating the power I had shown in the minor league era, such as releasing five homeruns. In the season he played 42 games, with a batting average of 2.75 · 9 home runs and 28 RBIs.

He turned around and played only in the minor league. I play in America. He played for AAA grade and retired from his career as long as the same year.

Features as a player

The greatest feature is the long hitting ability, as you can see from winning the home run hit twice in the minor league era. In the minor league 9 years, he has hit 158 ​​homeruns with 824 games, and in 2004 he played in the major league also played nine homers in 42 games. Regarding meat force, on the other hand, in the minor league era, I recorded several batting times around 300. However, there are many strikes, basically not good. The ability in defense is low, in 2004 he has played in 21 games as the first baseman, but he has also appeared in 20 games as a designated hitter. I also made three mistakes at the entry of 21 games.

Detailed information

Yearly batting record

| | | | | | | | | |

0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 80 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 47 | 3 | .275 | .335 |. 500 | .835 Total: 1 year | 42 | 176 | 160 | 17 | 44 | 9 | 0 | 9 | 80 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 14 | 0 | 1 | 47 | 3 | .275 | .335 |. 500 | .835

Jersey number


External link

  • Cumulative results and information of athletes ,,,,

Acquired from ""

Post Date : 2018-02-05 20:30

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Bucky Jacobsen

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