2018년 2월 16일 금요일



Basketball(: Basketane) is a type represented by the chemical formula C10H12. It was named because its molecular structure is similar.

Basketball - - |

Pentacyclo [, 5.03, 8.04, 7] decane

Identification information | |

  • C2CC5C1C4C3C1C2C3C45

  • InChI = 1 S / C 10 H 12 / c 1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 5 - 3 (1) 6 - 8 (4) 10 (7) 9 (5) 6 / h 3 - 10 H, 1 - 2 H 2 Key: QKWLQWFMFQOKET-UHFFFAOYSA-N

InChI = 1 / C 10 H 12 / c 1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 5 - 3 (1) 6 - 8 (4) 10 (7) 9 (5) 6 / h 3 - 10 H, 1 - 2 H 2 Key: QKWLQWFMFQOKET-UHFFFAOYAB

Characteristic | C 10 H 12 | 132.2 g mol -1 Unless otherwise specified, data is at (25 ° C) · (100 kPa).

, Independently, synthesized by Dauben and Whalen.

Related item



1. *A. P. Marchand (1989). "Synthesis and chemistry of homocubanes, bishomocubanes, and trishomocubanes" __*89(5): 1011-1033.:. 2. *S. Masamune, H. Cuts, MG Hogben (1966). "Strained systems. VII. Pentacyclo [, 5.03, 8.04, 7] deca-9-ene, basketene.". __ * 7(10): 1017-1021.:. 3. *WG Dauben, DL Whalen (1966). "Pentacyclo [, 5.03, 8.04, 7] decane and pentacyclo [, 5.03, 8.04, 7] nonane". Tetrahedron Lett. * 7(31): 3743-3750.:.

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Post Date : 2018-02-16 19:00

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