2018년 2월 3일 토요일

1 E4 s

1 E4 s

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List of hours of 104 \ - 105 (2.78 - 27.8 hours)

* Value | Description — | — 10 000 s | 2 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds | 10 kiloseconds (ks) About 166.7 About 2.78 About 0.116 (8.64 of a day) Time to travel through vacuum () 10 379 s | 2 hours 52 minutes 59 seconds | Minimum flight time from to 19 872 s | 5.52 hours | -257 25 200 s | 7 hours | one day in 28 800 s | 8 hours | Daily working hours in Japan and many Western European countries 29 160 s | 8.1 h | half-life of -210 32 400 s | Time difference between 9 hours | Japan time (GMT + 9: 00) 33 356 s | 9 hours 15 minutes 56 seconds | Time when light travels in vacuum Daily working hours at 36 000 s | 10 hours | 37 296 s | 10.36 h | half-life of -165 43 200 s | 12 hours | half a day Staging time of 54 000 s | 15 hours | 72 606 s | 20 hours 10 minutes 6 seconds | World Record of the time when a person stands still (as of 2005) 80 100 s | 22 hours 15 minutes | Time taken to decode the contest "DES Challenge III" (-) 86 164 s | 23 Hours 56 minutes 4 seconds | cycle 86 400 s | 24 hours | 1 91 404 s | 25.39 h | half-life of -252 100 000 s | 27 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds | about 27.8 hours


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Post Date : 2018-02-03 06:00

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia 1 E4 s

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